built to rule


Heavy King




Egg Robo derivative


When the leader of Eggman's elite Hard Boiled Heavies was touched by the light of the Phantom Ruby, he was reborn as Heavy King. His ego, arrogance and lust for power are all insatiable, and he spends his time searching for the Chaos Emeralds, the Master Emerald, or the Phantom Ruby itself.

current status

Heavy King was defeated by Sonic the Hedgehog at the end of Sonic Mania, but was revived by Heavy Magician afterwards. [non-canon] As he's in no position to rebel against Dr. Eggman again, he and the other Heavies have entered into an uneasy truce with the doctor...

moon's notes

More of a character I identify with than talk to. He doesn't have much tolerance for when I try to interview him.
