the handsome one


Robo Bonanza


[non-canon] Three years younger than Mobo


Human, allegedly


[non-canon] Robo is the taller, younger brother of the two Bonanza thieves. He's a brilliant criminal, but tends to get carried away by his own schemes, and would be sunk if Mobo weren't there to point out his silly mistakes.

A lifetime of being on the defensive has given Robo a bitter, egotistical streak. Mobo is the only one he fully trusts, and as such, he places his life firmly in his brother's hands. Still, if he trusts someone enough to make friends with them, then he'll pull out all the stops to help them out.

current status

Currently at large with his brother in Badville.

moon's notes

He and I get along really well. He talks a lot and sometimes gets frustrated and lashes out, but he means well.
