
A communal blog for my soulbonds. Authors of each post can be identified by icon and name.

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finally, privacy

Zizz ~ 11/28/2019 @ 10:56am

Finally, some privacy around here. I've been graciously putting up with the suspicious glances from some of the other residents here, but it tries my patience to do so. Thankfully, the buffoon Bob Sparker seems to have grown bored of ineffectually shadowing me, and the others are content to leave me be.


I appear to be getting along well with Robo, who is appreciative of my services, and whom I find fascinating, as he and his brother resemble large, stringless marionettes, though they vehemently deny that's what they are. I find them more amusing than the actual living puppet, Headdy, who is (pardon the pun) rather headstrong and stubborn.

Our host, moon, dislikes being acknowledged on this blog for whatever reason, but I must say that I am excited for its artistic and literary leanings. I will instruct it in the arts, in calligraphy, perhaps even in music if the opportunity arises. A shame it has no designs on being a singer!


Various ~ 11/27/19 @ 09:54am

"You're telling me that nobody else is concerned that Zizz has a box full of negative feelings in his room?" Bob Sparker gripes. He plucks an apple out of the bowl of fruit and polishes it a bit on his sleeve. "Nobody thinks it's weird?"


"Of course it's weird," Mobo replies, slightly annoyed. "I don't like it either. But it seems to be helping, so..."

"Is it?" Sparker asks, through a mouthful of apple. He swallows, then continues. "I mean, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's totally fine. But isn't this just bottling stuff up? How is that good for anyone?"

Mobo rolls his shoulders up in a shrug and makes a noncommittal sound. Bob gives him a look.

"What?" Mobo says, suspicious.

"You're not worried about Robo?"

"Of course I'm worried about Robo. But that's the thing," Mobo explains. "For the first time, he ain't wrapped up in bitterness and resentment. He can actually live in the moment now. How is that bad?"

Bob considers this. "It's not, I guess. But...still..." He gestures emptily. "It just doesn't feel right."

"Is any of this right?" Mobo asks, holding his arms out. "You, me, the others? We're all just coping mechanisms, ain't we?"

Bob grimaces. "Well, I mean, yeah," he says, dropping his voice a little lower. "But you're not supposed to say it."


Robo B. ~ 11/24/19 @ 08:05pm

Having Zizz as a co-soulbond has really paid off so far. All that resentment I was feeling the other day? It's just...gone. He took it out of me. It looked like a big purple mass of something--pretty gross, to be honest--and he just put it in a little box and locked it away. I feel like, ten pounds lighter.

This is pretty sweet! Is this what normal people feel all the time? Man, I hope this doesn't backfire horribly!


Zizz ~ 11/24/19 @ 08:08pm

So pleased to hear that you're satisfied with my services, Mr. Bonanza. I know your brother has some misgivings about the whole process, but I assure you both that I'll take very good care of your excess emotions.

By the way, my offer to join my puppet troupe still stands...

thanks, but...

Robo ~ 11/24/19 @ 08:12pm

Thanks, but I'm good. I like being able to dance to my own tune.

There goes the neighborhood

Bob Sparker ~ 11/24/19 @ 11:57am

We got a new guy in today. His name's Zizz and he's some kind of a ghost who makes puppets, or something. He's a real "dark demon" type, and to be frank, I don't trust him. He tried to wheedle his way in here before and I chased him off, but now he's trying to play nice and be helpful, I guess.

Well...I guess we can give him a chance. But I've got my eye on you, okay, Zizz? You'd better be on your best behavior...and no creepy "contracts" with the other residents or the boss, you got it?

you wound me!

Zizz ~ 11/24/19 @ 11:59am

Oh, Mr. Sparker. You should know that I've learned my lesson by now. Believe me, I won't do anything that involves coming into contact with a pompous, garish, self-absorbed busybody like you.


Bob Sparker ~ 11/24/19 @ 12:02pm

What did you just call me?! Like you can talk! You're the pompous one here, you--

break it up, c'mon

Headdy ~ 11/24/19 @ 12:03pm

Okay, break it up. We get it, you don't get along. Just try to stay out of each other's way, okay? I don't like it either, Bob, but we should at least give him a chance.

bad memories

Robo ~ 11/22/19 @ 05:34pm

I guess I should be honest about something. Part of me thinks this is a terrible idea, but it's buried pretty deeply in this obscure blog on an obscure website, and I'm a figment of someone's imagination anyway, so how bad could it be?


I don't talk about it much, but--well, Mobo and I, we're together. "Together" together. That's driven some people away from us, people we really cared about, and it validated a lot of deeply held fears that we have. Fears about being unlikable, unlovable and inherently broken.

It still hurts, but I know it couldn't have ended up any other way. It just sucks to find someone who felt like a kindred spirit and then realize they just can't deal with a part of you that's super important to yourself, you know?

(no subject)

Dragonlord ~ 11/22/19 @ 06:42pm

With all due respect, I think we figured that out the moment we heard those noises coming from your apartment.

All joking aside, and at the risk of seeming vulnerable, I too am familiar with your hatred and your pain. I think you should find those people, destroy them and the village they live in, and scorch the earth so that nothing yet remains. That should do the trick.

(no subject)

Robo ~ 11/22/19 @ 06:48pm

Yeah, that's my fault. Sorry, these walls are kinda thin, heh heh.

Believe me, the temptation is there, but I'm trying to rise above it. That said--Dragonlord, have I ever told you how much I appreciate you?


The Dragonlord ~ 04/24/19 @ 8:40pm

((Can I talk to you for a bit?))

DRAGONLORD: I think I can make some time. What's the matter?

((Are you concerned about me? You seem like it.))

DRAGONLORD: It's rare that you want to talk to me. You must truly be in a bad mood if you want my company.

((It's not that I'm in a bad mood, per se. I just feel weird that you and I keep ignoring each other.))

DRAGONLORD: Hah! Well, I'm enjoying your mental real estate. Nobody bothers me, and I don't bother anybody else, except for when I raise an army of the dead and that do-gooder Filmia tries to murder them all.

((Well, that's good on both counts, I guess. Are you getting along with the others?))

DRAGONLORD: I would say so. Even the frog isn't so bad, though he is rather cloyingly optimistic. I get along best with Heavy King, I would say. We have quite a bit in common, though he's annoyingly literal sometimes.

((That's good. I'm glad you're making friends.))

DRAGONLORD: "Making friends?" Bah! You make me sound like a toddler. is good to have somebody to talk to after such a long time. I suppose I should tell you, then...


DRAGONLORD: Keep up the good work.


Various ~ 04/24/2019 @ 8:20pm

R: They come and go, all right.

HEADDY: Most of them don't talk very much, do they?

M: Not so much. Robo 'n' I are the most active, I think.

R: Hey, can I ask you a question, Headdy?

HEADDY: Well, of course. Shoot.

R: What was it like, before?


HEADDY: What do you mean, Robo?

R: I mean, back in the day. Before Mobo and I were here. You were the first, right?

HEADDY: Gee...I guess I was, when you put it that way. Well, there were different folks here. And it was a weird time. Less scared, though. It was sort of nice.

R: Who else was here? Do you remember?

HEADDY: Oh, gosh, let me see. (ticks them off on his fingers) Percy, Margaret, and Mr. Hyde are the ones I remember the most...

M: Huh, you knew Mr. King and his daughter?

HEADDY: Sure did. They had a different last name, though. And Margaret wasn't called Margaret back then. Still, other than that, they were about the same, I think. The one I couldn't stand was Mr. Hyde.

R: Do you mean, like...the Mr. Hyde?

HEADDY: Yeah. That one. He's just as bad as he sounds.

M: Glad that guy's not around anymore. Though that Scarface guy was pretty bad, from the sound of it.

HEADDY: Scarface...Glad I missed out on getting to know him, although I am kinda keen to see another puppet around here. Then again, you two are pretty close to that, huh?

M: Eh, who knows. We've gone back and forth so much at this point that it's impossible to keep it all straight anymore.

R: Yeah. All we know is that we're cartoon thieves, and we're happy with that.

HEADDY: Oh, no, yeah, for sure. You be what makes you happy, and don't let anyone tell you any different.