A communal blog for my soulbonds. Authors of each post can be identified by icon and name.
Testing, testing. Is this thing on?
Uh, hi. Keaton here. Just recently moved in, been saying hi to the neighbors. Well, actually, it seems like everyone's moved into my place--they all decided my uncle's house was bigger and better than theirs, so now they're in all the guest rooms! There's more than enough room for everyone, so I'm not complaining, and neither is Uncle Parkinson. He says it's because he has a big heart, but I think it's because he has more poor saps he can prank. (Finally, he'll pick on someone other than me...)
So far, I've met...My impressions of everyone.
[Note from moon, 02/28/2025: I found this entry in the HTML files...it looks like I never uploaded it! Sorry, Bob!]
Been a minute, huh?
A lot's happened since any of us last wrote in this journal. And I mean lots. Robo was gonna tell about it, but some of it is really hard to tell, so I decided I would do it.
This was a while ago, but, uh, there was a death in the family. Not my family, or even among us soulbonds; not sure how that would work. But moon's family. It's been pretty rough, but they're hanging in there as best they can.
Creatively, 2023 was kind of a dry spell...as was 2022. But then 2023 came in clutch! In the past two or three days, the boss has been writing and drawing like gangbusters! I've been getting a real workout, I tell you what. It's been great! (By the way, if you're wondering how that story turned out that I mentioned in the last few entries, well, it ended up going great: it's up on electricopolis.net as "The Game Show Killer!")
Hey, I'm feeling a little better after yesterday. We decided that we'd work on that story today, and then some of the other 'bonds said they'd sit in on it and let us bounce ideas off them if we wanted to. Having a couple different perspectives (if...we count as different perspectives) analyzing this thing might make it go a little easier.
So, the first thing we're gonna do is a full reread from start to finish. The text is already done, so that's good. Then finish the one illustration in progress. Then write down a list of other illustration ideas and get some thumbnails down on paper.
Whew...what a relief! Just saying it out loud (or typing it out, whichever) makes me feel a lot better. We can totally tackle this thing!
I had...some weird dreams last night. The boss and I, we dream fairly often together, where it's both of us in the same body. But last night was different...
Usually when we dream, we dream of me doing cool things in the city--hanging out on the rooftops, talking, stuff like that, you know? But last night we...well, I guess you'd say we had a nervous breakdown.
They were working on a book, or a drawing of us, or some kind of project for an art class. And all of a sudden, they just stood up and said "I can't handle this anymore." Something about it--about me--made us just break down crying. I don't really even remember what it was, but it was something frustrating. ...Ah, who am I kidding? I know exactly what it was.
It's this story. We've had this one story in the works for years, but something about it just isn't up to our standards. It's been bottlenecking us, preventing us from working on anything after it. I can't help but feel like it's my fault, somehow, even though I know logically it isn't. After all, what the hell can I do about it? It's just...I just...
I hate it when I get like this. I try not to let it show, but secretly it's been eating me up inside. I know it's eating them up too.
I guess, in the end, there was something good that came out of it. I remember sitting down with Jam and Margie and really spilling my guts out to them. (Or, our guts, I guess.) And they listened and accepted me, and we woke up feeling like something really good and important had ended up happening after all. Thinking about it now, it's easy to only remember the shitty stuff, but in the end, I guess it was worth it.
But, man. I've been keeping all that in for a while. What the hell am I going to do?
Shit...I had no idea things had been going on for that long. I'm sorry, pal, that's really rough. Just remember that it's not you, okay? I know you can't logic your way out of feelings like that, but it really, really isn't your fault. I know (we all know!) that you've done your best job, and the boss knows that most of all. It's really up to them to sit down and put the work into it and bring it all together.
Let me know if you need anything, okay? I consider you a good friend, so reach out if you wanna.
Thanks, Robo. I appreciate it, really, I do. I'm kind of at a loss here. I think we'll be okay. I try to be positive, so when things get me down, I'm not too sure what to do about it. Maybe let's go out and get drinks sometime, huh?
You got it, Sparky. Just don't turn it into a contest, okay? I bet Mobo and I could drink you under the table!
A bunch of soulbonds are out partying. Wait, partying? At a hostess club? Bob Sparker waves over a waitress...
"Hey, Mr. Sparker," chirps the waitress, bringing over a tray of appetizers. "Long time no see. I've missed you!"
"And I've missed you, sweetheart!" Bob replies with a laugh, his arm wrapped around one of the hostesses. "Say, these are my friends. Robo, Mobo, and, uh..." He waves a hand, not sure how to address the last member of his party. "The Dragonlord."
The Dragonlord looks up from where he's nursing his drink--something fruity with an umbrella in it. "Don't perceive me," he says flatly.
"I know that feel," says the waitress, and leaves.
"Well, I for one am having a great time," Robo says. "Been a while since we let loose. Right, Mobo?"
"Uh-huh." Mobo looks over from where he's courting his bubbly, college-age hostess. "This place is great! What's it called, again?"
"The Green Room!" Bob says. "It's my old stomping grounds. Ain't this better than whiling away the time in that big musty building?"
The Dragonlord lets out a humph. "I rather like that big musty building. But I must admit," he says, eyeing a woman dancing on the floor, "this place isn't terrible."
"That's the spirit!" Bob is about to lean over and thump the Dragonlord on the shoulder, when a steely, yellow-eyed gaze convinces him not to.
Robo looks from Bob to the Dragonlord. "I didn't think you were into those kinds of girls," he snickers, covering his would-be mouth with a hand. "They're a pretty far cry from the princesses you're used to."
"All girls are princesses," says the Dragonlord simply, sipping his drink.
One of the hostesses cocks her head, grinning. "Did you hear that? What a charmer!"
Well, well, it's been a while. Nobody else around here is bothering to write in this, so I suppose it falls on me to communicate...
Zizz's scheme hasn't backfired terribly, so far, which is a minor miracle in and of itself, and one which I didn't expect. (I have no such emotional baggage to tuck away, personally. It's one of the nice things about being a villain--I get to wear my pettiness and bitterness on my sleeve.)
I have been forbidden from sharing my thoughts on current events here, as they've been termed "morbid" and "disgusting." Bah. Let it just be said that I have been watching the calamity that befalls the outside world--the "real" world, so to speak--and am fascinated by it...